We enjoy all of our visitors, occasionally we have guests who can stay a few days. This Girl Scout Troop that visited us were from Quincy, Illinois and they had a great time as tourists. They hiked in the park, went to Rock City, Biltmore and Gatlinburg attractions while here. They really enjoyed themselves and look forward to visiting our area again.
Category: Our Church Life
Gatlinburg Lutheran Church, Our Savior Lutheran Church welcomes you to Worship with Us in the Smokies.
God’s Work through Kathy Cole of Our Savior Lutheran Church
Have you wondered where God is on the loose in the Smokies? Open my eyes Lord! Just take a look and you will see the handiwork of God all around you.
God is always at work in the Smokies. One of our congregants was recently recognized by the Boy’s and Girl’s Club of the Smoky Mountains as volunteer of the year 2016 at the Kodak location! Ms. Kathy is someone we all know very well. This beautiful gal gives it all. Meet Kathy Cole, OSLC Choir Director, Worship and Music committee member, Boys and Girl’s Club Volunteer, wife, family member, friend, church member, sister in Christ.
There are some people, who exemplify Christ’s call to us to love one another and Kathy is one of them. Kathy’s love is shown through hard work, commitment and attention to the needs of others.
We are so thrilled Kathy has been recognized for her faith walk. God is indeed at work in the life of Kathy Cole and we are most grateful to be a part of that love being shared. May God Bless each and every child, every worker and volunteer who has been touched by God’s work through Kathy Cole at the Kodak Boy’s and Girl’s Club in Sevier County. We give thanks for her energy and her willingness to give it all away for the benefit of others.
2016 Our Savior Lutheran Church Foundation Gift Awarded
As 2016 came to a close, it was apparent that need was great among our community. As our foundation directors gathered to voted on the recipient for the 2016 gifts, one recipient rose to the top of the choices quickly. Our Savior Lutheran Church has reached out to Pi Beta Phi on many occasions, wondering how we might be God’s hands, reaching out to children and families in our community.
Through pasts children’s programs such as FIN, and efforts through our WELCA groups we have continued to fill needs of families in Gatlinburg. As the information on kids in the schools, post 2016 wildfires became known to us, it was a unanimous vote to award the gift to the Pi Beta Phi PTA who was filling and continues to fill needs of families, children directly affected by the Gatlinburg Fires.
The check was awarded to Laura Bogart, Pi Beta Phi PTA President. Thanks to Matt Kulp, OSLC Foundation President for making the check presentation.
What is the meaning of the Nativity?
As we prepare our hearts to deliver God’s message of love at the Scenes of the Nativity we thought it would be fun to explore some of the definitions and history of the nativity.
As found on Google:

The word comes from the Latin term nativus, which means “born.” The Bible mentions the nativity of several prominent characters, but today the term is used primarily in connection with the birth of Jesus Christ.
Matt Kulp delivers our Sermon September 11th – 2016
Children’s Ministry Autumn Carnival
The Autumn Carnival for Kids will be coming up this October. This is a fantastic event for the kids from Pi Beta Phi Elementary and friends. There is no charge to attend the carnival. There are prizes and fun for everyone. This is a ministry to simply reach out to the families in our community with a family friendly free event in which our homes can be celebrated. We welcome you. Call 865-436-5641 for the Date of the Autumn Carnival. As you can see by the photos from our Spring Carnival they are not short of fun!
NEXT Carnival:
God is on the move in Gatlinburg
With over 50 years of ministry in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Our Savior Lutheran Church has been sharing the word of God to Gatlinburg residents and visitors who come to vacation in our beautiful community. We believe our purpose through Christ is hospitality to the guests and those who call Gatlinburg home. We give thanks for the opportunity to share the word of our Lord and through the work of our hands.
God’s Work, Our Hands.